Project Results

Model of support for international student's adaptation

1. Preparation of the complex module for supporting foreign students. The module will be based on the reports composed from the data of the three focus groups and the needs, challenges, problems, expectations and good practices of the universities, national and international students. Examples would be included to illustrate the findings. Focus groups would be assembled in each of partners' countries and would consist of 20 participants. Each partner would prepare the report of good practices in their country.

Overall 178 domestic students and 122 foreign students from all partner countries took part in the survey. Their responses helped us to develop the Model of Support for Foreign Students, which tries to answer the problems indicated by them in the questionnaires. After conducting the questionnaire survey, the questionnaires were corrected, taking into account the expectations of students and universities participating in the project.

Guide book of "Dos and don'ts" for university staff working with foreign students

2. "Dos and dont's" handbook for academic staff working with foreign students. The preparation of the handbook will be divided into parts. Firstly, according to the results of the focus groups, surveys will be prepared for the administrative staff from universities. The aim of the questionnaire will be to define the topics and problems that need to be covered in the book. Then the structure of the entire guide will be prepared and each partner will be tasked to develop parts of it and to prepare appropriate graphics and materials. The final step will be the proofreading, editing and dissemination of the book on a national level. The manual will be available in English, Polish, Portuguese, Greek, Spanish and Macedonian.

In total, 160 administrative staff from all partner countries took part in the survey. Their answers allowed for to develop thematic scopes that correspond to the problems indicated by them in the questionnaires, on the basis of which a guide for academic and administrative staff is being developed. After conducting the questionnaire survey, the questionnaires were corrected, taking into account the expectations of the staff and universities participating in the project.

Welcome guide for foreign students

3. Welcome guide for the foreign students based on the good practices detailed in the previous activities and the meeting with the target group. Its aim is to help the incoming students with understanding cultural differences and to suggest how to cope with them. It would be prepared in English, supplemented with the info-graphics and available online. Preparation of the guide would be divided into stages and would start with the defining of the topics and problems to describe.

Share your story! - describe your experience via google survey

Interactive materials - edugraphics

4. Interactive materials: edugraphics for university students and employees. Interactive graphics placed on the project website will be a supplementary material to the guides. Visual presentation of useful information for students and university staff will increase the functionality of the developed materials, due to the possibility of viewing edugrafik on mobile devices.

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